Devlog - Inventory - Douglas Strange

Hello, I am Douglas Strange from Team PentaCog Studios. The following is my current progress on the inventory system UI for our game Noble Roots.


I have started work on the inventory UI components which is proving just as difficult as I imagined. Since every inventory system will usually be unique to the game in question there is no tutorial that goes over everything you could want. This week I have set the menu up so that the visual components exist. I am currently focused on reading the item database that our gameplay programmer set up, so that I can grab all the details of items and display them in the menu. I am also trying to grab the capacity of the inventory so that I can propagate the item slots dynamically so that I don’t need multiple iterations of the inventory UI for every upgrade to the carrying capacity.

I also had to fix some errors with the HUD. When I initialized the HUD a set it for the wrong window size, so the visuals looked unusual. This I thought would be an easy fix and only take 15-30 minutes to adjust; however, after starting I realized that the items would not automatically adjust based on their location on the screen. I have since made the proper adjustments for the HUD to be displayed on screen if it is a valid resolution.

Once I finish this will ensue a line of testing to make sure that the inventory is available and accessible. This will be defined by the inventory menu displaying when the button is pressed, the display of items in the inventory, and lastly the ability for the player to move items from the inventory to a hotbar.


PentaCogStudios_Month1Build.exe 39 MB
Oct 25, 2024

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